
Melissa and Dan's Story.

Melissa and Dan lost a combined 300 lbs in an amazingly short 8 months.

Melissa and Dan

Dan and I both had laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, same day (9/30/03), and lost a combined 300 lbs in an amazingly short 8 months. After that surgery, our life began changing drastically, for the better, from the very first day. We did however discover there is a huge void when it comes to support and/or information. What most need is a little straight shooting and a lot of understanding and caring and just knowing others share in their journey. That's what we're here for. Sharing, caring, supporting and even fussing at times when we see people pushing the envelope too much. We can't help ourselves but feel compelled to talk with anyone and everyone that will listen regarding the miraculous changes in our lives due to having a great surgeon and a great procedure available to us.

We're here to constantly learn and grow and maximize this great tool. Come share in our journey and maybe it will in some small way help with your own journey as well. Feel free to e-mail us, support@tampabariatrics.com, or join us for online chats too. The support family we have is worldwide and all are welcome to join in. We look forward to getting to know you too!